
Showing posts from October, 2019

New #init6 Episode on DevNet and Wireless

The #init6 team had a fascinating chat with Matt DeNapoli, DevNet Developer Advocate to discuss how programmability is being brought to use wireless network data in building applications.  The recording has been broken up into four parts, and we'll be releasing the videos over coming weeks: 1) Wireless Platforms and APIs  [28th Oct 2019] 2) Using Meraki APIs for Location and Mapping 3) DNA Spaces 4) Labs, Exchanges and Sandboxes

#init6 team member in the news!

Derek Winchester, one of the prime movers behind the #init6 initiative, has been giving the benefit of his market knowledge and experience to Network World in an article concerning Cisco's certification programme.  Derek was asked to comment on the need for change in the way certification was carried out, and on the CCIE Advisory Council's role in helping focus that change. Read the article for yourself at:

#Init6 on Cisco's Developer Blog!

The #init6 team were invited to write a blog post for Cisco's Developer Blog site to explain the reasoning behind why we started the initiative, give a sneak preview of the material we have on the Youtube channel, and to give people pointers about where to go and how to get involved! If you're interested, the blog post is here:

Getting Started with DevNet

Getting Started with DevNet The #Init6 team were lucky enough to catch up with Ryan Rose of Cisco DevNet to spend some time talking about how DevNet are supporting the network engineer in getting started in programmability, and the software developer get started with network technologies. He was good enough to spend time walking us through the website showing us how it is designed to take you on a learning journey, starting with setting up your PC for development, passing through APIs, programming languages etc, and ending up at sharing your code with the wider community. Ryan's enthusiasm for his topic is infectious, and it left the team desperate to get logged in to DevNet and trying all the sandboxes, labs and learning modules that are provided for free. The call was recorded and in #init6 Episode 2 on the Youtube channel - which we have had to split into three parts! - we share that insight with you: Part 1 - Getting Started Part 2 - Labs, Videos and Sandboxes Part...

Introduction - what is #init6?

What is #init6? A group of like-minded networking experts from across the globe who share a common passion for nurturing and mentoring the next generation of network professionals; An opportunity to discuss and opine on the future of networking and the challenges it brings; A forum to share experiences and perspectives of working in the network field and offer guidance through the minefield of enterprise IT; A YouTube channel with videos hosted by us discussing these issues and topics; A place to get advice on the tools to help reboot your network career. Our first video - an introduction to #init6, DevNet and NetDevOps - is now live: Any questions, comments or thoughts, feel free to hit us up in the comments here or on YouTube, email us on , or Tweet us @init6_network .